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Space Marine Scout Conversionsl

I specifically use Anvil Industry to source replacement heads for my Space Marine scouts, as the stock heads make them look a little too silly for the grim dark universe of the Warhammer 40,000 universe.

Space Marine Scout Conversionsl

Abandoning all ties to the Imperium the Hawkmoths have instead adopted the Nomad-Predation pattern of campaigning, hounding the Beasts of Ruin into the darkness of uncharted space. Recruits are selected from young survivors of their raids and the tech-barbarian tribes of ruined rad-worlds.

The nature of the chapter and their restless crusade offers little time to spare for the exhaustive training regimes favoured by other chapters. Following the most basic induction new recruits are hurled into a violent baptism, their skills measured and judged in real combat. Gladiatorial battles between squads are used to hone the skills of the scouts and weed out the weak so I chose to modify my Scout squad with faceless helms and extra armour.

BiscopeaPhase 3: This small, circular organ is inserted into the chest cavity and releases hormones that vastly increase muscle growth throughout the marine's body. It also serves to form the hormonal basis for many of the later implants.

OmophageaPhase 8: This implant, also called "the Remembrancer", allows a Space Marine to 'learn by eating'. It is situated in the spinal cord but is actually part of the brain. Four nerve bundles are implanted connecting the spine and the stomach wall. Able to 'read' or absorb genetic material consumed by the marine, the omophagea transmits the gained information to the Marine's brain as a set of memories or experiences. It is the presence of this organ which has led to the various flesh-eating and blood-drinking rituals for which the Astartes are famous, as well as giving names to chapters such as the Blood Drinkers and Flesh Tearers. Over time, mutations in this implant have given some chapters unnatural craving for blood or flesh.

MucranoidPhase 16: This implant allows a Space Marine to sweat a substance that coats the skin and offers resistance to extreme heat and cold and can even provide some protection for the marine in a vacuum. This can only be activated by outside treatment, and is common when Space Marines are expected to be fighting in vacuum.

The minds of most sentient beings have a direct connection to the Warp that is actually what is called the soul in many cultures. Psykers have especially strong connections to the Warp, and their souls thus appear as blazing brands to those who can see within the Immaterium, spiritual beacons which draw the hungry attention of Warp denizens. Blanks are born with no connection to the Warp at all, their presence completely invisible within the Empyrean. In fact, the minds of Blanks can actually somehow sever the connection between the Warp and realspace within their local area.

Regardless of their small stature, and their questionable status as sanctioned aberrants, Ratlings have proven invaluable to the Imperium's armies time and again. They make exceptional forward scouts, and are able to move covertly into firing positions right under the nose of the enemy army. Only when the opening salvoes of battle have been loosed do they reveal themselves, announcing their presence with hails of precision shots that catch the enemy completely off-guard. The effectiveness of Ratling fire can often mislead the enemy into believing they face an entire platoon of Imperial Guardsmen, which in turn can draw large-scale assaults towards the snipers. With no hope of holding their own in close-quarters combat, Ratlings have perfected the art of hastily vacating their redoubts immediately after firing, scurrying away before securing a new vantage point from which to assassinate more of their assailants.

Its dark in dare. Before an orgyn moves into a space where it cannot see beyond 5ft or if an ogryn finds itsself in the dark where it cant see you must make a wisdom saving throw DC 20 minus Half your level Rounded down or be frightened of the Dark, until you are in a lighted space or a friendly creature within 5ft passes a Persuation or Deception skill check DC15 + half your Level. the DC for this is 10 + Half your level for any Guard Officers.

Astartes who remember why they were created by the Emperor, who avoid the trap of hubris which the Space Marines are so prone to and which has seduced so many of their number to serve the Ruinous Powers of Chaos. space marines are the final guardians of Mankind, the saviours of last resort.

Potential Space Marines are usually, but not always, recruited from the worlds where a Chapter has established its fortress-monastery, although some Chapters are known to recruit from a collection of different worlds in an area of space that they protect or frequent.

At 3rd level, you choose a Battlefeild roll that you strive to emulate, in addition you may have alter your physical form in a significant way. Choose either Tech marine, veteran, Apothecary, Chapline or librarian, Scout or Commander, all detailed at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you features at 3rd level and again at 7th, 11th, 15th, and at 20th level you get an Battlefeild roll master feature.

Different Space marines choose different approaches to executing their combat superiority on the battlefield in the name of there Emperor and the founding Chapter. The Battlefeild Roll you choose to emulate reflects your approach.

A Techmarine (known as a Frater Astrotechnicus in High Gothic) is a Space Marine technician and engineer as well as a full Astartes Battle-Brother of his Chapter. They are fully initiated members of both the Cult Mechanicus and their Chapter.

Prospective Techmarines are chosen from the ranks of the Space Marine Chapters for their affinity with technology. They learn how to divine the runes of engineering and study the liturgy of maintenance. This great body of lore must be committed to memory and understood by the novice Techmarine.

Aspiring Techmarines train for standard years, steeping themselves in rites of activation, maintenance and repair. Upon returning to their Chapter, they become custodians of the Chapter Armoury -- Space Marines of dual loyalties, pledged by blood to their Chapter, but bound in mind to the Omnissiah.

Despite this dichotomy, Techmarines are held in great esteem; a Chapter could not wage war without its technological tools. In spite of their mysterious calling, Techmarines remain fierce warriors, and if a vehicle is lost, they will fight for its retrieval as stridently as their brethren would to recover any other fallen comrade.

The most senior Techmarine in a Chapter commands the Armoury and is known as the Master of the Forge. His knowledge of the arcane sciences has been refined over centuries and rivals that of the Tech-priests of Mars. In addition to his responsibilities in the Chapter Armoury, the Master of the Forge is tasked with conserving any of the Chapter's arcane relics. If the need is great, he may even unleash the fury of these lost technologies upon the foe.

A number of Chapters scattered across the Imperium have unusual cultures that can impact their Apothecaries' craft. Those who tend to the Iron Hands, for example, must be so well-versed in the implantation and maintenance of bionics that their roles and those of the Chapter Techmarines begin to blur.

A Feared creature must spend its turns trying to move as far away from you as it can, and it can't willingly move to a space within 30 feet of you. It also can't take reactions. For its action, it can use only the Dash action or try to escape from an effect that prevents it from moving. If there's nowhere to move, the creature can use the Dodge action.

Those enemies that get too close will soon be engulfed in a wave of explosions that never seems to cease. Each Thunderfire Cannon is tended to by a single Techmarine Gunner who uses his bulky Servo-harness to reload the artillery piece whilst calculating optimal firing trajectories.

Surface detonations are employed against numerous enemies in comparatively clear terrain, airburst shells are used to scour a foe from cover, and the Techmarine can even program the shells to burrow deep into the ground before detonating; though the force of the blast from such Tremor Shells is greatly reduced, the resulting shockwave is sufficient to leave the foe sprawling, making them easy prey for his brother Space Marines

Gunner Controlled. Only a Techmarine Or a Techpreist may fire the Thunderfire Cannon. A Techmarine or tech Priest must be within 5ft of the cannon to fire it and it is used in replace af one attack.

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